Monday 23 April 2007

Your Light Has Lit Mine (Keshav, India)

My wife used to suffer from a heart problem and the lady doctor had forbidden her to go upstairs. She could only stay on the ground floor of our house. In this house, we had a special room reserved for our Guru Maharajji Shri.
One day, my son and daughter who live with us came here to Rishikesh, and since I too was absent, my wife was alone at home. In the evening time, at about 6:30 p.m. she thought, “There is no light in Maharajji Shri’s room. I should go and switch it on.” But she was much too weak and she remembered the doctor’s interdiction as that room was upstairs. So she was extremely worried about this situation and thought all the time “How can I switch on this light ?” So thinking, she fell half asleep for about two or three minutes. When she woke up, she was surprised to discover that the light in Maharajji Shri’s room had been switched on !
After this event, when we came to the ashram a few days later, my wife spoke to the Master about what had happened, and he replied,
“You should not disclose these things to anyone! As in special circumstances, when there is no other solution, I have to do such work exceptionally.”
Then he added,
“Don’t worry! I am always with you !”
Later on, my wife’s heart problem was healed.

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