Tuesday 25 October 2011

Maharajji Sacha Baba's Mahasamadhi

Brothers and sisters,

On Sunday 23rd October 2011 in the morning, the great saint and Mahatma, our beloved Master Shri Hans Raj Maharajji Sacha Baba left his body at the age of 89. A few days earlier, he had been suffering from a slight infection and had been admitted to a hospital in Dehradun.

His leaving this plane has brought great emotion and sadness to the whole community of disciples and to all those who knew him, for everyone knows how much he was love and compassion, and that he only lived for the Common Good. Maharajji was simplicity, love and grace united in one being.

On that same morning of 23rd October, his body was brought back to his ashram, Sacha Dham, and exposed in the great hall, decorated with flowers. Everyone was thus able to come and pranam, renew their love and devotion to the divine Guru who has served us all well. At the same time, the choir of disciples continually sang the powerful mantra Prabhu Aapa Jago. The last funeral and religious rites took place the following day, on Monday.

A special ceremony is to take place on 6th and 7th November during which disciples and friends from all over India and abroad will pay a vibrant homage to the holy Master.

After his enlightenment, which happened in exceptional conditions in October 1955, this great saint has thus spent fifty-six years serving God, his Master Sacha Baba Kulanandji and humanity. Maharajji Sacha Baba only lived for one goal — that humanity should turn to God through the path that each person would choose. He has always said that all religions lead to the same goal which is this same God, whatever the name each religion gives Him. So Maharajji Sacha Baba has never practised proselytism for any particular religion, for he often used to say, “Everyone has a heart, which is the seat of love; love is universal. And love is God, Who is universal.” For him, if a man listens to his heart, he will find God. But if he only listens to his mind, then he will take the wrong path.

So the divine torchbearer of the Sacha lineage has left for the higher plains, but we are certainly sure that from these high plains, he will continue to work for the transformaton of humanity and his disciples. Each of us will be able to continue benefiting from his holy guidance and assistance as long as our hearts are in harmony with him. May our faith and devotion in him shine like the indelible link which joins us to his divine grace forever!

Jay Maharajji Sacha Baba !

Thursday 20 October 2011

Gurupurnima 2011

Summary of Maharajji's speech, July 15th

My people!

I have just one thing to say, it is necessary to bring God into your life. He is the only doer. Whatever effort you make, the Guru wants you to do it for Paramatman [cosmic Spirit, God]. You must understand. You should follow your own path. He will show you the way. The time today is such that it is like a dark, moonless night.

Now Parivartan [the spiritual rise in consciousness] is taking place. Remember, in the Sacha lineage after me, there will be two more Avatars in the future [Maharajji has not said exactly when in the future these Avatars will come. Is it just after him or later on, we do not know]. Then the Parivartan will be entirely fulfilled. How much of the world will remain, how many of the people will be wiped out from this world? All those who remain will be those who are devoted to Paramatman. What I am saying applies not just to India, but to the entire world.

This Kali Yuga is very simple, if only you chant "RAM RAM", the Name of God, you will be able to go through it easily. All sins of past, present and future lifetimes will be wiped away. But we don’t give priority to Paramatman. Whoever comes to me tells me, “I have this problem, that problem etc.”. Hardly anybody uptil today has come to ask for Paramatman. Whatever they ask for, I always pray for it; but the samsara [the almost endless cycle of rebirth and death till man attains liberation] keeps on expanding.

No one has managed to control this world and no one will, because whatever one’s actions are, that very fruit he will reap. If there are four brothers in a house, then the karma of each will be different. Even if all four live together lovingly and eat together, still the karma of all four is different. But if all four chant the Name of Paramatman even for an hour [a day], then their sins will be wiped away and they’ll attain moksha [liberation]. reaping in that way the fruit of that spiritual practice. But people want only samsara, and they go deeper into it, thus accumulating “dust” for many lifetimes.

We should at least think about where we are going and for what we are going. After a short time [of sadhana] people go off the path, because they have no wisdom.

Later Satya Yuga (the era of wisdom) will come. The world will keep on its flow. However today if by misfortune someone does not chant The Name of God, then he also will have to leave this world [because he will not be in harmony with the Divine Energies which are coming down on earth in this Parivartan cycle]. Human life is itself a chance. And there is no second chance.

Follow your religion seriously. The major religions, for example, all have different paths, but all lead to God. And all those who practise these religions sincerely attain union with God, whatever their social class.

In India there are many Gurus, you can easily choose one. If you don´t find Paramatman with one, you can find Him with someone else. And whether you find a Guru or not, follow the one in whom you have faith.

You should give up everything for 1-2 hours daily and chant the Name of Paramatman. If it becomes a habit then you will start doing it lovingly later on. You will grow love in your Heart for Paramatman.

Wake Up!

You should wake up early in the morning and chant the Name of Paramatman for 1-2 hours. And the rest of the time you can eat, sleep and work hard. The circle of maya (illusion) is weak in the beginning but later it grows hard like iron [if you don't have a steady spiritual practice]. It won´t break. If you tell an old man to say “RAM RAM”, he’ll say “go and tell someone else” [if he has been used to living without steady spiritual practice].

Time is passing, the sun will rise and set, it will do its work. The higher powers will continue doing their work whether we reach the goal or not. Therefore I won’t say much, I just say that you should devote some time to Paramatman, Whoever your Paramatman is, with form or without. Some people have faith in Allah. If they have faith by heart, when they rise up spiritually, there is then no distinction [between these devotees and those of other religions who also rise up spiritually]. Paramatman of all religions and people is One only. All people have similar organs. God has given to everyone intellect and strength.

Although I speak and speak [year after year], people still don’t understand. Therefore they get all kind of sorrows. So devote 1-2 hours daily [to avoid these trials and sorrows in your life]. In the morning after having a bath, or without a bath, sit and chant God’s Name. Usually people have a bath and then go to their shop. They [only] keep the shop in their mind.

It is up to you, nobody is forcing you . Whether you like or not, just sit. After a while or after two days you'll start liking it. Slowly slowly you will leave samsara behind. [Maharajji never forces anybody; he only gives wise guidance and let people freely follow it or not]

Permeated by Divine Light at Jageshwar (Premi, India)

In 2010, my wife and I decided to make a visit to Uttrakhand, Matkanya in order to have darshan of the jyotir shiva linga at Jageshwar, one of the twelve oldest shivalinga sites in india which Markenday Rishi and Adishankaracharya had visited, from where you can also see the entire range of the snow capped Himalaya mountains stretching from India to Nepal.

Before this visit my wife and I had darshan of Sacha Baba Mahatma Hans Raj ji at Laxmanjhula, and I informed him of the shaktipath he had done to me in 1996 in my room at midnight and we discussed the "swayambhu" divine light experience of Sat-Chit-Anand, divine existence, peace, love, conscious-awareness, bliss-joy.

This experience had made me to take up research in the swayambhu and satchidanand. I discovered that Guru Nanak explained this in his loolmantra as "saibhang" and Buddha referred to this to Maitrei who had established the swayambhu stupa by draining out the water from the Kathmandu valley in Nepal. I also studied the scientific work of Einstein on cosmology and discovered the scientific concept in the theory which he postulated as the "cosmological constant" of this universal phenomenon and its equation which is used in the quantum theory. I also discovered the "absolute horizon" concept of Nobel prize winner Subrahmanyan Chandrashekar in his study of the black hole phenomema in the universe along with the creation of stars and collapse of stars. Both these concepts lead to not only universe but multi-verses phenomena which are in line with with vedic thought of 10,000 realms or 3000 realms of existence plains in buddhistic thought. Einstein has clearly said that for an expanding universe the cosmological constant is required which never changes as it is the fulcrum substratum on which the wheel of the universe rotates and changes continuously.

This is is the "swayambhu" of Mahatma Hans Raj ji, other saints and mystics and which is present throughout the universe and in each and every individual but as superconductivity permeation. In that way it sustains all change in nature. Even in the Gita Lord Krisna has stated the two levels of his existential phenomena, one the lower which is the ever changing natural phenomena which is supported on the unchanging , unborn, eternal phenomena. Thus the swayambu satchidanand principle of saints and the cosmological constant of scientific physicists is one and the same. This is the meeting point for atheists, scientists and mystic saints. In the case of saints they can grant you the experience of swayanbhu satchidanand, the cosmological constant, whereas in the scientists case it is a derived mental observation and hypothesis of the universe, they cannot grant you the experience of the cosmological constant, absolute horizon— the swayambhu satchidanand.

I give below once again the experience granted to me by Sacha Baba Mahatma Hansrajji in 1996 through his divine light swayambhu satchidanand body in 1996 in English:
When the guru's grace dawns
The breath and mind stop
Bindu(reddness) and sunyatha (spaceless-space) occur
and then the being of light swayambhu occurs
flashing forth in all its divine glory throughout in consciousness-awareness and embracing all in divine love.

The swayambhu divine light says that
"I am a circle without a circumference whose centre is everywhere, and if you try to find my centre with the ego-centric mind then I am apparently nowhere, yet I am everywhere", hence the need to give up ego centric thinking and to surrender totally in heart and mind — as Sacha Baba says he /she who surrenders onto me, to him/her do I do yogshem (draw in and protect).

The entry of the divine swayambhu light in one’s being is portionate to The amount or extent of surrender in heart and mind.

Thus the following Gita sayings as received by my soul from gurudev's swayambhic soul are:
1. Thou art unborn, eternal and never are you born and thus you never die.
2.He/she who surrenders to me (Sacha Baba), him/her I draw in and protect — yogshem.
3.He /she who gives up his/her heart and mind to me comes to abide and rest in me (Sacha Baba's satchidanand swayambhuic state or soul)
4.Leave all the other ways and means you have heard of, just seek my shelter and protection and I will free you from all your sufferings, struggles, tribulations both physical and mental, I will bestow on you moksha, spiritual freedom, do not fear.

The swayambhic divine light of Sacha Baba Hansrajji says: "Never was there a time when I was not, never will there be a time when I will not be, many a time comes when even time is not (in total withdrawal of universal phenomena), yet I am forever."

When staying in Jageshwar, Matkanya I came out of my room at 2 a.m. at night and stood in the garden with the clear bright moonshine shining on me, I looked up to the heavenly stars shining down on me, and in the stillness of that divine moment Sacha Baba Mahatma Hansrajji manifested through the moonlight and permeated my whole being in a superconductive way.

Jai Guru Dev!